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Butter, Vital Farms Pasture-Raised (unsalted)
With 85% butterfat, we believe pasture-raised butter can’t be beat. We bet you can taste the difference.
Ingredients: Cream (milk)
Vital Farms (Austin, TX)
Vital Farms began with a husband and wife, 20 Rhode Island Reds, an Austin, TX pasture and a commitment to animal welfare. Matt and Catherine aspired to produce ethical food and a sustainable business. Instead, they built a transformational one. Today Vital Farms partners with approximately 200 family farms. Every hen is humanely treated, every egg is pasture-raised and we continue to elevate our (and the industry’s) standards, continuing Matt’s commitment to ethics over profits.
Every single one of our eggs comes from Certified Humane® pasture-raised hens, and that’s just as good as it sounds! It also means our hens each get a minimum of 108 sqft of pasture to roam, and they sure do love to roam. Because the girls keep the pastures fertilized themselves, and regular rotation keeps the pastures healthy and covered in fresh grass, we never need to use any harmful chemicals on any of our farms.
Our purpose at Vital Farms is to bring ethically produced food to the table, and we believe that pasture-raising animals is the most humane and sustainable way to achieve that. So, just like with our other girls on grass (the ones who lay our delicious eggs), these four-legged ladies are pasture-raised with the same care and respect.