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Chicken, Whole, Pasture-Raised
$6.49 per lb
Season your bird simply with salt, pepper, and a bit of lemon zest, and get roasting (or grilling, frying, braising, and any other method you choose).
Pasture-raised Whole Chicken from Windy Farms has a nice balance of white meat to dark meat. They practice rotational grazing, so each day their flock is moved onto fresh pasture where the birds are able to peck and scratch for seeds and bugs, with feed as a supplement. This flavorful bird doesn't need much dressing up; just rub it with salt, pepper, and olive oil or butter, stuff the cavity with a handful of fresh herbs, and get roasting, grilling, baking, braising, or frying.
To ensure freshness on your doorstep, meat products are frozen until packed for delivery. FarmBox will deliver meat products in reusable thermal packs. Please return thermal packs with your box on your next scheduled delivery date.
Greener Pastures Chicken (Austin, TX)
Greener Pastures chickens have full access to sunshine and fresh air, bugs and critters they find in the pasture, and native plants and grasses that stretch across their home pasture. Their diet is varied and nutrient-dense. Chickens raised on pasture still require additional feed to supplement their natural foraging, so we source only the freshest and highest-quality USDA Certified Organic feeds.
The Greener Pastures team combines expertise in organic agriculture, poultry science, and livestock nutrition. We are committed to bringing you the highest-quality, most ethical and affordable organic pasture-raised chicken possible.
Raw chicken can last in your fridge for 1–2 days, while cooked chicken can last in the fridge for 3–4 days.
Raw chicken pieces can be stored in the freezer for up to 9 months, while a whole chicken can be frozen for up to one year. Cooked chicken can be stored in the freezer for 2–6 months.