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Beef, Roast, Grass-Fed
Finally, there's a place for red meat in a healthy diet.
With USDA approved Chisholm Trail Grass-fed Beef, you get beef that's leaner than regular beef, pork and even most cuts of chicken and turkey.
Finally, there’s a place for red meat in a healthy diet.
With USDA approved Chisholm Trail Grass-fed Beef, you get beef that’s leaner than regular beef, pork and even most cuts of chicken and turkey.
Free range cattle are treated with care and respect, resulting in the development of healthy muscles and lean meat. Chisholm Trail beef is 100% grass-fed on local Texas ranches, not raised on factory farms halfway around the world. It’s not pumped full of antibiotics or hormones. And it’s not finished on feedlots, where the only concern is fattening up the animal. These ranchers are committed to the old-fashioned principles of caring for livestock and the land.
Beef Recipes >
To ensure freshness on your doorstep, meat products are frozen until packed for delivery. FarmBox will deliver meat products in reusable thermal packs. Please return thermal packs with your box on your next scheduled delivery date.
With proper freezer storage, beef can last up to 1 year frozen. Once thawed, it should be used within 3 to 5 days.