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Mill-King, Heavy Whipping Cream Pint


16 ounces

Temporarily Discontinued Made of Grade A cream free of antibiotics, hormones, additives and preservatives.

Mill-King Milk is free of antibiotics, hormones, additives, and preservatives. It’s just milk.  All natural and just the way nature intended.

Why we love it: Mill King milk is pasteurized per FDA standards to ensure the harmful bacteria in the milk are eliminated; however, it retains most its enzymes, which are crucial for proper digestion and good health. What you get is a delicious glass of milk. 

Why you’ll love it: Mill King’s milk is about getting back to the food basics. Their milk is low temperature pasteurized or batch pasteurized at 145 degrees for 30 minutes to preserve as many of the natural enzymes and nutrients possible.  

Please note: Mill-King milk is also NOT homogenized so the cream rises to the top.

Origin: McGregor, TX
Mill-King Creamery (McGregor, TX)

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