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Greens, Collard - 1 Bunch
A longtime staple of the Southern table, collard greens have a mild, earthy, almost smoky flavor. As a member of the Brassica genus of foods - cousin to cabbage and broccoli - collards stand out as an anti-cancer and cholesterol-lowering food.
To prepare collard greens, wash them well in cold water. Then, remove the tough center stem by slicing along either side of the stem with your knife, cutting them in half while removing the stem. Alternatively, you can strip the leaves from the stalk using your hands. Stack the halves in a single pile and cut crosswise into thick ribbons.
We strive to choose only organically grown or certified organic produce from as close to home as possible. However, sometimes we are unable to find a local AND organic option, and in that event we may choose to offer a pesiticide-free local product from a farmer that uses integrated pest management on their crops.
Denton Creek Farm (Ponder, TX)
Denton Creek Farm is located in Ponder, TX, 10 miles west of Denton. There 40-acre farm produces a wide range of fresh seasonal organic and sustainable vegetables. Famous for their organic tomatoes, super sweet cantaloupe, and delicious leafy greens.
Wrap unwashed collard greens in damp paper towels until you are ready to use them. Keep the wrapped greens in an open plastic bag in the refrigerator for up to about 5 days. Wash the greens when you are ready to cook them.